Sonar Profile Survey – Pile/Sewage/Underwater

The survey unit is derived from the technology of marine sonar surveys. The technology is modified and reduced in size to provide a pipe profiling survey unit. The Sonar survey provides pipe structural condition profile in surcharged pipes where standard CCTV inspection cannot provide an image on screen. This technology is now widely used for surcharged pipe condition surveys and building pile core condition surveys.

Scope of Work:

  1. Surcharged pipe condition survey.
  2. Box-culvert condition survey.
  3. Pile core condition survey.

Equipment use:

  1. IMGEX sonar profile system
  2. Marine Electronics 2512 Mini Pipe Profiling Sonar.
  • Imgex Sonar Unit Marine Electronics Sonar Unit

  • Sonar Pipe Profile Images

Allied Professional Services Ltd. Website:

Tel: 2242 6822   Fax:2242 6811   Whatsapp:6293 3365

Address : Unit D, 23/J., Phase 3, Golden Dragon Industrial Centre,172-180 Tai Lin Pai Road,Kwai Chung, N.T.