Slope survey

Surveys of all registered slopes within the territory are required by the HKSAR Lands Department, to be undertaken on a 5 year cyclic programme. All water carrying services within 5m of the crest and toe of slopes must be checked for leakage in accordance with the Works Branch Publication "COP on Inspection and Maintenance of Water Carrying Service Affecting Slopes (1996)". Slopes fall under three areas of responsibility, i.e., government, joint government & private and private. The surveys are required to locate and identify any leakage in any water carrying service that may cause any slope to become unstable and cause possible slope collapse.

The scope of the slope survey covers:

  1. Engineer Inspection by Register Geo-technical Engineer.
  2. Site investigation and identification of water carrying services.
  3. HPWJ cleaning of manholes and drainage systems.
  4. CCTV inspection of drainage systems.
  5. Leakage detection by LNC on water supply pipes.
  6. Manhole survey to STC25 specification.
  7. Topographical Surveys to assist in provision of as-built drawings that are submitted in ACAD format. (Optional)
  8. Report submission in the format prescribed in the COP standard to Building Dept.
  9. Recommendations for any remedial works that may be required.

Allied Professional Services Ltd. Website:

Tel: 2242 6822   Fax:2242 6811   Whatsapp:6293 3365

Address : Unit D, 23/J., Phase 3, Golden Dragon Industrial Centre,172-180 Tai Lin Pai Road,Kwai Chung, N.T.